Success Stories

Customer Success Stories

We are fortunate to work with some of the best and brightest organizations in the world. From defense to finance, healthcare to energy, we bring greater simplicity and effectiveness to command and control for executives and analysts working within critical, challenging decision-making environments.


  • This C2 operators were tasked with managing medical evacuations that overcame acute real-world brittleness. Evacuation management decision-making required matching a list of patients spread worldwide, each requiring different types of care and urgency, with evacuation flights to hospital locations. The operators were tasked with the cognitive work of finding the best possible patient evacuation plan across the set of patients under rapidly changing conditions.

    The existing user interface portrayed all the query results in a scrolling list after filtering which is problematic because the representation could only show a small subset of the overall set at once.

  • A key issue pointed to a keyhole brittleness - the misalignment between the operator’s need to see the entire information space at once, and the visualization chosen to display that information as a scrolled list.

  • The operators could intuitively read the display, understand the patient set status, and detect patterns and trends which allowed them to be anticipatory. The intuitive representations and designs allowed them be trained in less than 90 seconds, and they immediately demonstrated accurate situational awareness of the entire set of patients in theater, even as it evolved.

    The deployed solution enabled the real world operators to achieve a previously impossible performance standard for decision-making in the problem space.

Distributed Command and Control

Operations Center Teams

Near Real-Time Command and Control
Operations Center Design
Human AI Teaming
Anomaly Detection

Above Water Warfare Command and Control (AWWC2)

  • Design a human-system interface to a computerized decision support system that is intended to be placed aboard the Canadian Patrol Frigates for the support of Above-Water Warfare (AWW) Command and Control (C2).

  • Based on an analysis of the key, abstract functions of shipboard air defense, the entire Concept of Operation was redesigned for optimal decision-making. The AWW C2 control room design re-assigned operator roles to be centered around two main functions: threat-evaluation and weapon management. The room design mimics this functional split and provides revolutionary decision support for both functions. Operators have individual display components that give them detailed information. The Group Display components display status overview information for each function. This helps each team know the progress and status of the other team. Finally, the Anomaly Display component displays information for attention direction.

  • The concept described here, along with tailored CSE-based decision support visualizations, revolutionized the command and control processes for AWW. The shared representations on the large Group View components provided at-a-glance status information for any operator in the room. The commander could immediately know the state of the environment based on the information shown on those screens. Additionally, the individual decision support visualizations for the individual users framed information to the users in such a way that it makes decision-making about threat intentions and weapon assignments effortless, where prior to this design operators would furiously write on post-it notes in order to transform their data into useful information. Finally, the Anomaly Display component pushes information to the user in a non-obtrusive way, so that it can be informative yet non-obtrusive when the user is involved in the fight.

Command and Control

Joint Operations Intel Team

Naval Command & Control
Operations Center Design
Time Critical Targeting
Anomaly Detection
Automated Weapon Engagement System