

RCS Developed the Brittleness Audit in Supporting Laboratory of Analytic Sciences (LAS)
joel benedict joel benedict

RCS Developed the Brittleness Audit in Supporting Laboratory of Analytic Sciences (LAS)

RCS Developed the Brittleness Audit in Supporting Laboratory of Analytic Sciences.

Flawed decision-making in Joint Cognitive Systems (JCS) can lead to failure—85% of AI deployments fail due to brittleness-related issues. To tackle this, LAS & RCS developed the Brittleness Audit, identifying hidden vulnerabilities that impair human-machine teams.

✅ Discover and proactively eliminate flaws

✅ Turnkey service or internal audit tool

✅ Now deployed & supporting analysts, developers, and product leads

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ethics in ai deployment
joel benedict joel benedict

ethics in ai deployment

These systems exhibit remarkable abilities in question answering, text generation, image creation, and code generation, surpassing what was imaginable a decade ago and outperforming previous benchmarks. However, it's important to note that they have certain limitations, including a tendency to produce hallucinations, biases, and susceptibility to manipulation for malicious purposes.

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